Losing weight in 2016

Wilson Orhiunu

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu

Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly

The human body is like a car in many respects. It is a machine that works with fuel. This fuel usually has to be bought and introduced into the machine. While the car overflows when an attempt is made at filling the tank beyond its capacity for storage, the stomach on the other hand, can be trained to increase its capacity for storage.

I have never seen a BMW get bigger as the days go by due to frequent trips to the petrol station, the car may get dirty or tyres may get worn but the car will never gain weight.  It just is not able to store petrol in the roof, seats, and gear box or in the boot. The human body however, will store the extra fuel everywhere except in the bones, nails and hair.

It would have been nice to have a body like a BMW – one that refuses to take in unnecessary helpings of fuel. A body that would not be tempted by the smell of fried chicken once the tank is full, but that is not the case.

The human body stores fuel in the form of fat just in case the present meal is the last meal for the next five days. In uncertain times when the food supply is not constant, overeating when food is available is a good thing. In places without fridges, the body acts as its own fridge keeping calories fresh and ready to be used at a later date.

In times of plenty however, overeating produces obesity and that in turn leads to the obese being preoccupied with weight loss.

So how does one lose weight?

This question could be put another way. What would a car owner with a full tank do to create an empty tank?

Keep the engine running

It he continues to keep his engine running the fuel gauge will eventually go down even without driving anywhere. The human body burns calories everyday even when no exercise is done.


Driving the car burns fuel and the faster and longer, the better.

Don’t go to the petrol station

Once the engine keeps running, and the fuel is not replenished, the tank will eventually become empty over time

The cash analogy

How would a guy on £1000 a week with £50,000 in the bank achieve having a bank balance of no more than £300 at any time? Well, if he does not know I am sure if he gives you his credit cards you would show him how.

No one can lose weight without doing something (baring illness). It just cannot happen by merely wishing for it. That would be like having one million in the bank and thinking it would just go away without any spending.

Being practical

One should think about the reasons for the desire to lose weight. Is it because we have seen some images on television we would like to be like?  It is usually best to study the daily routines of the people whose bodies we would like to have and if we find that we are willing to make the sacrifices then that is fine. Targets however have to be realistic.

You must know what you eat. Some people who are obese say they don’t know why they are obese because they always eat healthy. Knowledge is power and the first step to losing weight is to know why one is obese.  Without that knowledge, the journey cannot even start. Not knowing where the weight came from is like telling the police you did not know where the $5 million in your savings account came from.

There is no need to create conflict by talking about weight loss and living a lifestyle that produces weight gain. Enjoy your life and talk about weight loss when you are ready to do the practical thing; which is a change in lifestyle.

It is possible

Losing weight is one of those easy things to do if the price is paid. Little daily actions with time produce the desired results

It is down to having a positive mental attitude about the task to be done.  When overweight, beware of those who love you the way you are. They might actually pull you back

Using the gym would require a thick skin as you would be the least fit person there in your first few weeks and even though no one is interested in you, you might get paranoid and think everyone is secretly laughing at you

Cravings for large meals, snacks and junk foods will always be there. The worse foods taste the best after all.  Discipline is required to maintain all the boundaries that have been set.

Social media

Social media can be a great help to losing weight. You could read about diet and exercise habits of those who have lost weight successfully. Online groups of like-minded people can provide support for someone who is not very confident about embarking on the weight loss journey.

YouTube is filled with resources on various topics that would support a weight loss programme.


It does not really matter which diet programme or exercise programme is followed. As long as the calories being burnt exceed the calories being taken in, the weight goes down.