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10 signs you’ve fallen out of love

The feeling of falling in love is described as magical, you laugh at the stupidest things and everything looks colourful. People are more than...

Letter to Dr Azolibe

Buzz by Olumide Iyanda Email: oiyanda@yahoo.com Twitter: @mightyng Dear Dr Azolibe, I am compelled to write you this letter, seeing that all other attempts to kick you...

Bestselling novelist, Jackie Collins, dies of breast cancer at 77

The novelist Jackie Collins has died of breast cancer at the age of 77, her family said in a statement. "It is with tremendous sadness...

Babies making babies

Just Charly by Charly Boy Twitter: @Areafada1 There is a growing trend amongst teenagers now. It is happening more to those living in the villages than...

How well do you know your partner?

Close-up with KC Ejelonu Email: kcejelonu@gmail.com Twitter: @kcejelonu One of the most important features of successful couple relationships is the quality of the friendship the people involved share....

Rushing into marriage???

Close-up with KC Ejelonu Email: kcejelonu@gmail.com Twitter: @kcejelonu Ok, lately everyone is talking about politics. As you all probably know, I don’t talk about politics online or get...