7 tips for dealing with a demanding husband


A demanding husband can often be much like a little boy, always needing you to watch out for him.

Following the seven tips below will ensure a healthy relationship in which you are able to meet all of his needs without becoming a slave to his every wish and command.

  1. Show that you believe in him

Like most men, husbands want to know that their spouses have faith in them as providers and emotional caretakers. Questioning your husband’s abilities to provide for you or the family may make your husband feel incompetent. You can make things better by taking the time to acknowledge his abilities as a husband and father, if you have children.

  1. Demonstrate willingness to understand him

Certainly, men and women communicate very differently, but that doesn’t mean your husband does not want to talk with you. He may just talk in a manner that is different from your own. Try creating an environment in which you and your husband feel led to open up to each other in the ways you feel most comfortable. Who knows, he may end up talking more than you imagine. Either way, he will appreciate the fact that you are willing to take time each day to talk with him.

  1. Accept your husband for who he is

People often become angry or resentful when spouses try to change the very core of who they are. This anger is probably based on the deeper feeling of rejection. Stereotypically, women are blamed for over-thinking things, but men can be just as guilty. When you try to change your husband his response is feeling hurt that a certain part of him does not meet your standards. Accept the fact that your husband is who he is.

  1. Allow him the free time he desperately wants

Whereas you might consider asking for some time alone to be a sign of disinterest, your husband views it as a natural extension of himself. Your husband needs to feel as though he can do something else if he so chooses, the same way you appreciate your moments of independence. You will notice a sense of appreciation as never before if you suddenly ask your husband if he wants to have the house to himself. Instead of trying to include him in every single family function; surprise him one Saturday morning by taking the kids out while he is sleeping. He will wake up to a quiet house, one that is entirely his. This will allow him a sense of freedom that the daily and weekly routines of work and family do not.

  1. Prove to your husband that you trust him

Everyone wants to be trusted. We all want to know that we are not being second-guessed or questioned. Your husband is no different. If he has done nothing in the past to make you think otherwise, assume the best at all times. Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust will go a long way towards building a marriage that is solid and pleasant. The fact that your husband is demanding should not mean that you are unwilling to trust and respect him.