5 ways to prevent common cold

Common cold

The common cold is arguably the most common illness in humans. Viruses that cause colds are spread from person to person through tiny droplets of mucus that enter the air from the nasal passages of infected persons and are inhaled by others.

Colds can also be spread by touching surfaces that have been contaminated by contact with infected persons and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

Here are 5 ways to prevent the common cold.

  1. Wash your hands often

This is probably the single best measure to prevent transmission of colds especially after shopping or spending time in public places. Frequent hand washing can destroy viruses that you have acquired from touching surfaces used by other people. You can also carry a small tube of hand sanitizer when visiting public places.

  1. Keep your distance from people with cold

Colds can be transmitted more easily if you’re closer to someone with a cold. A cold virus can be contagious for up to two weeks. If a friend has a fever with cold symptoms, he is more than likely contagious. Even if your friend says he feels better, he might still share the virus with you. If someone is on antibiotics for his cold, he can still spread the virus. Antibiotics do not treat the viral infection.

  1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

While hygiene is the most important, eating a variety of healthy foods will do your body good. Feed your body nutrient-rich foods and cut down on sugar, processed and fried foods. Keep in mind that there is no proven benefit that eating any certain food will ultimately keep you healthy.  A healthier diet does provide nutrition that can help your immune system fight off infections.

  1. Don’t smoke

Heavy smokers get more severe and frequent colds. Even being around smoke hurts the immune system and your body’s defence against germs. Smoke dries out the passages in your nose. It affects your cilia the delicate hairs that line your nose and lungs and help sweep away cold and flu viruses. Experts say just one cigarette can stop them from working for as long as 30 to 40 minutes.

  1. Drink lots of water

Keep yourself from getting dehydrated. Men should consume 13 eight-ounce servings of fluids per day and women should drink about 9 eight-ounce servings of fluids per day. Water can also prevent dryness in your nose or throat, which may also help you avoid getting a cold.