Seven fun ways to get your man to use a condom

A condom could be the difference between a good or bad morning after sex. Accepted as a form of protection against unwanted pregnancy and STDs, some men still find it stressful or a kill-joy before and during the act. The good news though is that a lot of fun can be achieved with the sheath between the sheets. Below are seven ways to get your man to cover up before you open up.

  1. Choose the perfect size

Naturally, the largest condom size is about seven inches. All you have to do is know your man’s size. There is no greater mood killer than a condom that does not fit or is too large. A smaller sized condom for the penis would feel like wearing small size polo for an extra-large man. A bigger sized penis would feel like a tiny fish in the sea. This can cause the erection to drop and this means no fun for the day.

  1. Get flavoured condoms

The smell of fresh juice, sweets, cake, or even ice cream can be a nice touch. You can get flavoured condoms for both male and female. A man that smells something nice would definitely be attracted to it. The bonus is that, it sets a beautiful aroma for having sex.

  1. Make it sound playful

Sex is not hard work so do not treat it like an assignment. During foreplay, make your man choose a name for his condom; you never know what is going on in a man’s head. Let him be completely lost in the thought of the name that he feels like the condom is part of his skin.

  1. Get different colours

Some men are obsessed with a particular colour. For a Chelsea fan, blue is their logo. Tease him about his likes and make him wear a blue condom. This does not only get the man to use preventive measures but it makes the sex more interesting and the relationship more interactive.

  1. Put it on in a sexy way

Emphasis on the word sex!!! Everything you do has to be sexy. Having to put a condom on does not have to ruin the mood. The faster you wear a condom the less likely the penis goes limp. Opening it should be easy, do not go for the one covered in a strict pack; make sure it is the easy one. Once out you can try using a lube (sex gel), one or two drops will do the trick, put the lube in the condom in a sexy way and slip the condom on the penis. It is as easy as it sounds.

  1. Make it a team work

Just because it is the man that has to put it on does not mean he has to do all the work, and just because the woman is requesting for it does not mean she has to be the handler. Make it a team effort. Believe it or not, team effort actually makes it all better, Dear lady, place the opening of the condom over the tip of the penis, with a sultry look use your hand to pull down slowly while your man holds the tip. He is staring at you and saying to himself “you are awesome” How on earth will he loose the mood?

  1. Tighten your legs

It’s not skin to skin so most men feel the inner body is not touching each other. For maximum satisfaction, tighten your legs when doing positions like missionary or doggy. This gives extra sweetness to you and your partner.