Fitness and wealth

Wilson Orhiunu

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu

(Email: Twitter: @Babawilly)

Make the dancer fitter and he dances better. Physical fitness produces such a variation of effects with different people the way money in the wallet does. A fitter boxer will knock his opponent unconscious faster than before while a fitter neurosurgeon might fit in an extra operation to his list.

The reasons for wanting to be fit vary. The party line is usually to be “healthier and feel great about myself”. Unfortunately, many seemingly fit and healthy people are depressed.  Sometimes, I wonder if those wicked cemetery worms view all the activities of fitness with slight amusement. These worms know that barring a cremation, the fit and unfit ultimately end up on their dinner plates. This must mean that striving for fitness is madness? It feels like nobody knows why things are done.

The same applies to money. Why strive for an extra billion when eight are in the bag only to die and leave it all behind?  Here the party line is “I just want to be comfortable”. Ironic when you think how uncomfortable it is to strive for that extra billion. Where is the comfort in that?

No matter what people say they would do with money or fitness, when the reality strikes, their actions betray the lies.  No one ever says “I want to be rich so that I can take drugs” but that happens to many people.  Likewise, “I want to be fit so that I can wear tight clothes all over town and exhibit myself” is disguised with “I aim for an improved metabolism”.

The motives that drive human beings are primal and mysterious.

Some are on a quest to self-destruct and in money and fitness they find strong allies. Maybe it is an ego thing. An aspiration that is far away and that once attained makes you better than your neighbour (global village tinz) is enough ambition to aim for. Once attained however, it loses its appeal and that deep disappointment might lead to drink, drugs and miscellaneous pain numbing activities. That is the “it is not quite what it was cracked up to be’ syndrome”.  The more I look at people, the more I believe that nobody knows why they do what they do.

What baby in the world truly has choices? There is no catalogue book of talents to go through and choose. If that was the case everyone would choose a great voice or astonishing athletic prowess. In reality we have babies born every day who possess a gift which they must develop. The track is laid long before the train is manufactured. We jump on the train and at best switch on the engine, and just see where the tracks of life lead.  No one knows anything.

Fitness in the wrong hands

Most high security prisons have a section for the meanest inmates. Strangely enough they are usually in absolutely good physical condition. The fitter they get, the worse it is for everyone.

Wealth in the wrong hands

Sophisticated weapons and bombs are never free. Twisted minds with money will always produce an ill wind that blows the smile off every face

Fitness and wealth can be good or bad. It just depends on which unseen hand controls the puppet.