5 annoying things guys do to get girls’ attention

Attractive couple having an argument on couch at home in the living room

A woman likes to get noticed by a man. It’s always flattering to have the cute guy in the room start talking to you, but it’s not flattering when a guy comes up to a girl and makes her feel uncomfortable with weird one-liners and aggressive attitude.

Women don’t want to be hassled when out and about with friends or especially when out alone. While some guys get it right with their attention-grabbing conversation starters, there are others that aren’t so lucky.

Here are five annoying things guys do to get a girl’s attention.

  1. The “psst” call

Ladies, you know exactly what this is. You’re walking down the street and hear a guy say “psst” under his breath in order to gain your attention. He has nothing better to say or more intelligent to come up with, so all he has is a random noise spewing from his lips. Not cute. And then when you don’t turn around to see who this marvellous human being is, he gets mad at you.

  1. Walking up to you and saying you’re hot

While guys think this is a compliment, it’s anything but flattering thanks to the way it was executed. When a guy walks up to you randomly and interrupts your conversation to say how hot you are, it’s uncomfortable. Yes, women want to feel hot, and sure, we like to get noticed but having a complete stranger come up to us like that and blurt it out isn’t what we’re looking for.

  1. Talks about how much money he has

Yeah, women like money. Who doesn’t? And dating a smart, successful man who has made something of himself is totally awesome. But when a man is so vain and so into money that it’s always the topic of discussion – “you should see my new yacht,” is just annoying. More points start to drop when the guy never actually worked to get all his money, but was only born with a massive trust fund.

  1. Licks his lips while staring at you

You don’t get to lick your lips while staring a woman down. It’s pretty awkward and doesn’t make a girl feel the least bit sexy. Instead, the guy looks like a fool and the girl, well, she feels sort of violated. Guys, if you’re interested in a girl, don’t spook her by acting like a weirdo or like you’re something you’re not, like a major hip-hop artiste because that whole routine isn’t working.

  1. Talking about your butt behind you

We love having our man compliment our bodies especially our butts we work so hard for! But that’s our guys. Not some random dude on the street. When a guy starts making suggestive remarks about a girl’s ass while she walks by, it’s anything but favourable. The woman instantly feels like she’s on display and can get super uncomfortable. What’s worse is that most men know this and continue to do it just for their own amusement. Too bad those guys are usually going home alone.