Woman on top

Unpopular side with Thomas Oti

Email: thomasoti@qed.ng

In a few years, men will be the ones begging for liberation from women. The reign of the almighty male is drawing to an end and we are about to witness the ascendancy of the alpha female. The world where the man was the be all and end all is fast disappearing. If you don’t believe me, just take a look around you. You are the man. But you are no longer in control. If you believe she was made out of you while you slept. You are a fool. You slept for too long. She woke up and began working and got a few hours’ head start. You were there still sleeping from your operation.

Woman is king. She still complains though because she is no longer satisfied with being superior emotionally. She has set her sights on the male’s area of special dominance; physicality. She couldn’t compete physically so she got him to lower his standards or his head to meet her at her level where she could initially rub his head. She won’t stop until his head is in the mud.

Her play has come by several names in the last few hundred years. From women suffrage to feminism, she has stylishly and boldly questioned the man’s physical authority over her and succeeded. She has waved the banner of male dominance so much that the man has looked at himself again and again and again and decided she was right. He’s thought to himself, “I have been oppressing her for so long simply because I am a man. My muscles and physical looks scare her. I have done nothing wrong by doing nothing wrong. I am a man and I am bad. She is so beautiful and sweet and kind that how dare I make her feel so small and oppressed”.

At work and at home, women run the world. A long longlonglonglonglong time ago, long before they were even made, they may have considered docility to men but as soon as they took form or were created, they began having their way. From the minute a girl child is born, she receives special attention from her father. He dotes on her much more than we would on a male child even if they are twins. It’s all about the girl. Growing up is the same. Daddy continues to dote. Mummy is female. She can’t be bothered. Or she becomes protective of her husband as power would have changed hands. How women still don’t get why their husbands go for fresh young ladies baffles me. And how women also don’t understand what sweet young ladies see in their husband, I don’t get. For the answer, look at home.

Women started by claiming their place by the side of men. They got there by getting on top of him in the bedroom by the way. Now they are on top of him outside the bedroom. They orchestrated the creation of a mythical glass ceiling and then they insisted that the men shatter the ceiling for them. Otherwise… No man wants to know what lies behind a woman, so they gladly took a hammer to the ceiling. Now women are on top. Not enough though. They want more.

They want more. They won’t stop either until they get it. They have the natural resources to get it all and more. And they are not shy about using it. Some are still a bit touchy about using what they have to get what they want, but let’s face it, if a brilliant man enters into a competitive position with a brilliant woman, 9 out of 10 times today, she would come out on top. Not always literarily but she would anyway. It is my considered opinion that today, men are the endangered species.

Women are beginning to choose the men they want to marry. Or date. I mean, they always have because if they say no, nothing for the man. But now they are asking the men out. A rare privilege for men of this age and times. I wish women had begun the man chase thing in my time. We did all the hard work. Boys today have to do nothing. The girl asks and the guy can say no. In those days, if a girl said no, you would almost kill yourself! Otherwise your friends would mock you to death.

At home, the woman is king, queen, master and monster. I understand how busy women are and how it is unfair to expect them to stop by the market or grocery shop or buy dinner on their way home or even make dinner when they get back home. Very cruel to expect all that of them. But, why do they now expect the men to do all these on their behalf? From sharing baby midnight duties to making baby breakfast before they leave for work really early in the morning to getting them to stop at the grocery shop on their way back or buy dinner or get home and make their own dinner or dinner for their wife. Men are the new bitches. Men are the new women.

At work, the same happens. The women shout women liberation. Feminism. Glass ceiling. Etc. Their voices are shrill and loud. You can’t ignore it. Even you the men begin to believe it. But next time you look up, you are the only man in the office. The women have taken over. Topwise, sideways and below. They are very insistent to nagging. Guys fight for their space but fight is no longer enough. If a male boss sees a female subordinate, 8 times out of 10, he would think kindlier of her than him.

It’s a woman’s world. In the abroad, the women have it. Angela and now Theresa have joined the growing league of current or past female presidents or heads of state. We-men are dropping back. And out. There are like 20 across the world currently, I believe. A paltry 10% but watch out. Women are takers, they will soon take it all.