TB Joshua’s disciple Prophet Racine celebrates daughter’s first birthday

TB Joshua wise man Prophet Racine and wife

Prophet Racine Bousso and wife Evangelist Ruth, disciples of the late founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) Prophet TB Joshua, are celebrating the first birthday of their daughter Pearl.

Pearl, also named Emmanuelle, is Racine’s first child with Ruth, formerly Miss Tonge.

The couple shared photos of Pearl’s birthday celebration on Instagram on Monday, May 27.

The celebrant was dressed for her first birthday in a white shirt, pink skirt, white sandals and a pink head ribbon. Her mother wore a white dress while her father was dressed in a sky blue long-sleeve T-shirt and a grey pair of trousers.

The party was decorated with beautiful balloons and birthday cards. The celebrant’s cake designed with strawberries on it had the words “Pearl is one”.

In his Instagram post, Racine thanked God for his attention on Pearl from her formation in the womb.

The clergyman also thanked God for making her what he called a child of destiny, praying that God’s presence would remain with her throughout her lifetime.

“Happy 1st birthday Pearl!! One year already! Lord Jesus thank you for every moment of your attention on Pearl right from her mother’s womb. Thank you for making her a child of destiny. Let your presence be with her throughout her lifetime in Jesus name, amen,” he wrote.

Ruth, on her part, posted photos on Instagram with the brief words, “Happy 1st birthday Pearl!!!!”

Well-wishers, friends, and followers of the couple have flooded the comment section sending congratulatory messages to the celebrant and her parents.