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Tag: Wilson Orhiunu


First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly You do not have to eat the entire pot of Ukodo to establish too much salt lies...

Archaeology for mumus

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly Everyone is born with a silver shovel and a gold plated axe. This is the equipment required...

Losing money

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly The universal currency for answered prayers is raw materials. Prayers for a child who would be articulate,...

Immigration problem

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly In 1534 Christoph Vieira the great Portuguese sailor was sat in the great hut of my village...

Doctor, are you Nigerian?

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly I looked over my shoulders when the Nigerian patient sitting in my consulting room asked the question,...

It is 2016. Let’s Dance!

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu (Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly) Dancing is a good thing to do. There are so many benefits to dancing and the beginning...

Christmas message (Comedy)

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu (Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly) It was testimony time at the Christmas service and the grateful saints stood in line dressed in...

The magnification of small things

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly Some small things have great power. The cells that generate the electrical impulses that stimulate a heartbeat are prime...

Money talks, poverty explodes

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly One could hide one’s wealth with a bit of thought but to conceal one’s poverty is almost impossible. The...

We all need investors

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly Everybody needs and is searching for investors. Fewer are searching for investment opportunities. Time, Money, 'Likes', Kind words, Motivation, Food...,...