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Azu Ishiekwene: That rescue mission by Dogara’s wife

It should have been a wrap, recession or not. I was nearing the end of a ThisDay print copy on Monday when the advert...

The ideal wife

Unpopular side with Yinka Ijabiyi Twitter: @Yinkakan Instagram: @oneyinka She is one who makes no demands and will speak only when spoken to. She will not...

Judges and the Other Room

Unpopular side with O’Yinka Ijabiyi Twitter: @Yinkakan Instagram: @oneyinka “Delta Zebra, come in for Alpha Bravo, over” “Alpha Bravo, this is Delta Zebra, over” “Delta Zebra, confirm position, over” “Alpha...

Letter to Uncle Sege

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu Email: babawill2000@gmail.com Twitter: @Babawilly (Originally written in July, 2000) Dear Uncle Sege, I am very happy to write you this letter. I have...