Relationships that work

Wilson Orhiunu

First Gentleman with Wilson Orhiunu

Email: Twitter: @Babawilly

Some people waste good relationships. Thinking that people are replaceable in a world with over seven billion souls, they dismiss friends who appear to have no apparent current value only to regret the decision a few years later.

Loyalty and affection is expected in any friendship. In professional relationships, respect takes the place of affection (hopefully). A loyal individual tends to think the best of whoever they find themselves with.

Some just love to sit down and take inventory of all the things they are benefiting in a relationship and make predictions of future gains. Once the figures don’t add up favourably, the relationship is terminated. Human beings don’t do very well in relationships where eagle eyed participants with the hearts of vultures stay focused on “what’s in it for me?”

The numerous mother-child relationships on the planet teach us that selfless service, love and care is redemptive. Apart from the ultra-minority who get pregnant for the prospects of a maintenance cheque most mothers are inspirational in the care they give to their children. I have never heard mothers complain about the one-sided nature of their relationships with their babies. There is a part of the heart that melts when faced with a vulnerable human being. People are capable of great commitment to individuals who on the surface have no means to reciprocate.

The true value in people is many times hidden. They show glimpses of future brilliance sometimes and these moments are so fleeting that even people living in the same house miss it. Raw and uncut talents are hard to discern which means that nerds and future great people might be way down on the list of desirable people to affiliate with. These young minds weighed down with potential and nothing else could be viewed are not worth the time by those on the lookout for people showing obvious signs of benefit.

Users of people are just that. These are cold and heartless people who turn on the charm when they perceive personal gain but switch it off as soon as they see no gain or perhaps when the gain dries up.

Many who fall on hard times are always shocked at how soon the phone calls and invitations dry up. Machiavellian types relate to you not just based on the past benefits of knowing you but on the perceived present and future gains. They don’t want to expose themselves to friends in need of personal loans that may need to be written off (even if they received generous cash gifts from you in the past).

A friend in need is bad market

These are the use and dump set. They find it hard to have relationships with the heart. It is strictly business and no love is involved. People who live this way suddenly grow old and find themselves alone for they have never had anyone in their hearts and don’t reside in the heart of anyone else.

There are other relationships that stumble on regardless of noxious environments. These tend to exist behind closed doors in homes across the world. Families cause stagnation of human potential by using words that shunt and arrest development. It might seem well on the surface but the opportunity to use the relationship to nurture and add value to people is wasted.

Many kill dreams, spirits, zeal and ultimately relationships with words. Abusive words heaped on a child daily blow away their confidence and self- esteem. Swearing at people is a way of life for some but it builds no one up. Any relationship in which abusive communication is the norm is bound to produce people guaranteed to live below their potential.

Negative talk is less dramatic but a slow poison. It ultimately wears you out and induces a helpless state of zero ambition and terminal boredom.

The minute that people in a relationship realise that their roles are not to permanently vent, complain, criticise and think up creative ways to put people down, you start to get positive words or maybe silence which is at least better than negative words.

Do your own research; most of the people who have great relationships are loyal and know how to talk to people. When I think of wasted relationships, Judas and Jesus Christ tops the list. Judas ate the food, saw the miracles, heard the sermons but his heart wasn’t in it. That disciple was not loyal and we know how that bean cake crumbled.

On the other side of the bridge is one of the best relationships that I find to be the best metaphor to study among people who strive for an examined life. Nay, not Romeo and Juliet’s tragic; it was hot while it lasted relationship but the liaison between two entities that could be called blood relatives. I speak of none other than the Blood and the Heart of the human body. Here you find two highly important entities that are useless without each other. The blood needs to reach all the parts of the body bringing nutrients and taking away waste products but has the slight problem of lacking mobility. The

I speak of none other than the Blood and the Heart of the human body. Here you find two highly important entities that are useless without each other. The blood needs to reach all the parts of the body bringing nutrients and taking away waste products but has the slight problem of lacking mobility. The heart, on the other hand, puts its back into the work ceaselessly pumping the blood around so that it (the blood) fulfils its purpose. Just like the air hostess warns the passengers to use their facemask first before placing one on a child in times of cabin

Just like the air hostess warns the passengers to use their facemask first before placing one on a child in times of cabin depressurisation at high altitudes, the heart pumps blood to itself first so that there is the strength to pump to distant sites. (A tiny dose of self- interest is good in relationships after all). Discerning the importance of blood is the wisest thing a heart can do. The heart has also learnt to set blood free as it will always return. That freedom ensures

The heart has also learnt to set blood free as it will always return. That freedom ensures that the blood can have meaningful secondary relationships that ultimately benefit the heart. The one with the Blood and Mr Lungs springs to mind; for the lungs give spirit to the blood.