Painter Aisha Mashio debunks rumour of wedding to Yobe governor Mai Mala Buni

Painter Aisha Mashio

Painter Aisha Mashio has said that the rumour of her planned wedding to Yobe State Governor Mai Mala Buni is false.

An X user with the handle @Lminkaeel had said on Thursday that he got the information on Facebook.

“I saw on Facebook that my Gov Mai Mala Buni is getting married to the talented young painter @Sumayyah_mashio,” he wrote.

“I wish them a happy married life. Please take care of this young lady, Your Excellency, sir. One of the biggest projects of his second tenure. Allah bada zaman lafiya.”

Responding to the rumour, Mashio said she is not getting married, urging members of the public to disregard the false news.

“Disregard any fake news, I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED!!!” she wrote.

In 2019, Buni married Fatima Gaidam, daughter of his predecessor Ibrahim Gaidam, as his third wife.

The governor took the late military dictator Gen. Sani Abacha’s daughter Gumsu as his fourth wife in March 2021. However, Gumsu confirmed in December 2023 that the marriage was over.