Our stars can’t be used to ride private jet, former Chicken Republic guards Happie Boys tell Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere

Happie boys

Former security guards famously known as Happie Boys have replied the founder of Omega Power Ministries (OPM) Apostle Chibuzor Chinyere who allegedly cursed them.

Chinyere had allegedly cursed the young men who accused him of abandoning them six months after sending them to Cyprus on scholarship.

The cleric, according to the Happie Boys, placed the curse before they went public with the news that they dropped out of school in Cyprus because they could not get a job after he stopped supporting them. They, however, said they remained grateful to the clergyman.

Reacting to the criticism that has followed their revelation, the Happie Boys said in an Instagram post on Tuesday night, “Those making negative comments can never understand what we have seen. You contınue to send people on scholarshıps, Show the World the proof of those that have graduated from the schorlashıp and are doıng well for themselves, nobody can use Our stars to rıde prıvate jet and expect us to remaın quıet. 

“You reason wıth your braın and stop beıng negatıve. Where ıs the transformer boy sponsored to Cyprus too. He has returned to Nıgerıa after he almost dıed here and hıs Mother went to a Prayer House where they told them to return the boy. Things Dey happen, WHO NO KNOW NO KNOW.”

The Happie Boys went viral for dancing during work hours at a Chicken Republic outlet in Nigeria last year.