Nollywood actress, Susan Peters, gets scholarship to study in Australia

Nollywood actress, Susan Peters, on Wednesday announced that she has gotten a scholarship to study film directing in Australia.

The 38-year-old took to Instagram to make the announcement while wishing her followers a happy new month.

“I got a scholarship to study directing in Australia yay August continue (sic) to be good to us,” she wrote.

Susan didn’t disclose the name of the school she got the scholarship from.

Susan studied TV and Film at Video Waves and Camera Film School in Abuja and graduated in 2002.

She started acting in Nollywood movies, the same year she graduated.

Despite the increasing pressure for Nollywood actresses to perform raunchy love scenes and appear with little or no clothing, Susan has stated, more than once, that she is not planning to follow suit.

She has starred in movies such as Celebrity Marriage, 30 Days, Champagne, Bursting Out, Love Entrapped, Black Heat, Don’t Cry For Me and Timeless Passion.

Susan got married to Koen Croon, a Dutch, in 2015 but they are now divorced.