DJ Cuppy threatens to block those mocking brother with autism

Disc jockey Florence Otedola popularly known as DJ Cuppy has threatened to block those making fun of her brother Fewa Otedola who was diagnosed with autism.

The 29-year-old made the threat in an Instagram post on Thursday while celebrating the boy’s 22nd birthday.

The disk jockey and singer said in the post on Instagram that although her brother has autism, he was not ashamed of being put in the spotlight.

Sharing a photo collage of herself and Fewa, Cuppy wrote: “Happy 22nd Birthday to my baby brother, Fewa Otedola! In case you didn’t know my brother has severe AUTISM but there is absolutely no shame in being on the spectrum. He is my God-given gift  #FamilyFirst

“PS: I have not and will never give a fuck about what people say about ME on social media, BUT best believe IF anybody even TRIES to say anything nasty about my brother’s disability – not ONLY will I have them BLOCKED but I will also report them to Instagram for cyber bullying.”

In November 2019, Cuppy revealed her brother’s condition while purchasing a painting by a nine-year-old boy with autism at Terra Kulture, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Autism is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact.

Common symptoms include difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviours.