4 things to sacrifice this Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday is a holiday celebrated by Christian all over the world to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.

Some Christian denominations mark the day with fasting, almsgiving, vigil service, religious sacrifices and church services.

Below are four things that are often given as sacrifice on Good Friday:

  1. Time

The day being a holiday in many Christian nations, believers are urged to devote time to family and personal meditation. Although the day has its solemn nature, this does not mean you should be sullen and not have time to spend with people that matter to you. Another way to devote time is to visit the less privilege or the orphanage homes. Spend your time and ignite their hope.

  1. Money

One thing you must also learn to sacrifice today is your money. For God so love the world that he gave – says the Bible. Easter reminds every Christian about the great sacrifice made on the Cross. Therefore, you need to sacrifice this during this period. Your gift of money can go a long way to brighten up someone face even as they commemorate the death of the saviour.

  1. Love

It is also a time to show more love. Love those you are terribly mad at. Good Friday is a good time to sacrifice your ego and forgive. Let people feel the warmth of your love even as you extend forgiveness to anyone that might have wronged you.

  1. Clothes

The truth is that most people are naked and exposed to physical danger.  These ones cannot afford to clothe themselves because of their situation. During this period, do try and sacrifice a cloth depending on your ability to them and remember the clothes shouldn’t be your old and condemned ones.