Which of these 10 categories of single ladies do you belong to?

They say women come in different shapes and types. That is so true of single ladies.

Below are 10 categories of women in singlehood. Feel free to pick the one that best describes you.

  1. The stalker

You have your boyfriend’s password to everything- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You do not believe in taking chances. You pride yourself for knowing where your boyfriend is and what he is doing at a particular time. You go crazy when you do not know. If you see a new girl on your boyfriends’ timeline, you find out everything you need to know about her until you are sure they are just friends.

  1. The boss lady

You are the man in the relationship. You have a career and you know what you want in life. You do not pay too much attention to your relationship because you feel it might slow you from reaching your goals. You tend to end a relationship once it starts affecting your career.

  1. The one with five boyfriends

You believe having one boyfriend is a joke and being exclusive to one man is not realistic. You keep more than two boyfriends and you know how to do it well. You lie like you are telling the truth and have perfected the craft of breaking up like its child’s play. In addition, your friends respect your ability to be able to toy with men.

  1. The planner

You are the type of lady that has it all figured out. You want to get married by 24 and be done with childbirth by 30.  You remind your boyfriend of your time frame and get scared anytime it feels like your plan is falling apart,

  1. The lover

You have this notion that life is like the movie Notebook. You think you must end up like Peyton and Lucas in One Tree Hill and that relationships should not have any major challenges. Basically, you live in a lie. You want that man that will kiss you in the morning and spoon you in bed all day. You live in the fairy tale of it all. The shocker is that in real life, relationships are not like that.

  1. The realist

You are the type that understands how relationships work. You know men lie and will tell you anything to get in your pants. You know the beginning of every relationship is the honeymoon phase and two months after sex is between you, he is bound to change.  You have had your heart broken many times so you do not have expectations.

  1. The chance giver

To some, you are brave, to others, you are simply dumb. After getting your heart broken more than thrice, you are still opened to a new relationship. You still get excited and hope this one will be better than the last. You treat your partner like he is your first and tend to ignore everything because you believe in second chances.

  1. The sex buddy

All you want with a man is to just have sex. You do not believe in the whole relationship farce because it has simply never worked for you. You keep more than one sexual partner and you know how to use protection. You maintain that you are not a prostitute or sex addict but simply enjoy satisfying yourself without strings attached.

  1. The picky type

You have a list of requirements for every man you have to date. If a man does not meet your criteria, you brush him off and say he is not for you. You never settle for less and believe that you can always get what you want because you know your worth.

  1. The for better for worse

Some may call you the wife material. You suffer with your boyfriend, go through bad times with him and always lend a helping hand. You forgive when he apologises and try to understand any of his misgivings. You do everything wives and mothers do even though you are not married.