Eight types of women you don’t want to date


Knowing the right woman to go out with is not as easy as picking a detergent to wash out your cloth stains. Nevertheless, there are some women men should not attempt to be with because the thought alone can drive one crazy.

Here are eight types of such women.

  1. The nag

Although all women tend to nag at some point, there is a certain degree of nagging that should not be accepted. If she is always on your tail every second and she constantly pesters you over silly things, there is no guarantee that peace will ever reign in the relationship.

  1. The clinger

A clinger is your plus-one to everything. You don’t have to invite her, she is always there 24/7. She never wants to leave your sight and wants to be with you every time. While it is nice of your partner to always want to be by your side, the clinger takes it too far by suffocating you with her appearance. You will stop having your ‘guy-time’ and it suddenly becomes just you and her at all times. With a clinger, you have no chance of having a life of your own.

  1. The Mrs.

The Mrs. is a married woman. Being involved with another man’s wife is not only stressful; it can eventually lead to injury if the husband is the violent type.  Instead of opting for a married woman get yourself a single lady. The problems are less.

  1. The troublemaker

Except you are willing to marry the troublesome ‘Abike’, a role played by Mercy Johnson in a Nollywood flick, stay away from  a woman who always wants to pick a fight with anyone.  A troublemaker will tell you she is a no-nonsense person, but in reality, she is just a noisemaker.

  1. The spoilt brat

The spoilt brat is the woman that thinks there is no wealth that can surpass hers. She tends not to appreciate anything you give her because she feels it is not enough. She has expensive taste and no one is good enough for her.

  1. The emotional wreck

The emotional wreck is an unstable woman who thinks every love story ends in tragedy because of her past experiences. She is the cry baby and always seems to get worried if she senses that she is drifting apart from you. Most emotionally unstable women are also suicidal because they can’t bear the thought of losing someone they love.

  1. The gold digger

Not all women with the desire to be comfortable are gold diggers. Gold diggers are women that stay with you simply because of your money. There is no love or infatuation, just the desire to spend your money as they deem fit. The only reason they put up with the charade of being with you is so that they can have access to your valuables. If you love being used as an ATM machine, then by all means rock and roll with this type of woman.

  1. The dependent lady

The dependent lady always appears so sweet at the beginning of a relationship. They are the type that lean on you and are always willing to share. They appear as the perfect woman until their constant need for help becomes too much. This type of woman does not want to do anything herself. She always needs the man to help out every time. Without someone to lean on, this type of lady is useless.